Inner Healing Online Course

Inner Healing Online Course - May 19th

Sign up for our 8 week inner healing online course and get our Entering the Heavenly Realms Event on June 16th for FREE!

The Inner Healing Program approaches the restoration of the soul from a comprehensive approach. First you will learn about the important role of your soul and how your soul is connected to your well-being. You will learn about the dangers of a wounded soul and be able to receive soul healing. This training will also equip you to minister to the “inner man” and will give you the training to teach others.

One time
For 2 months

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)

Program Description

God desires to heal your heart, restore your soul and enable you to achieve your full potential in Christ. God’s plan for you to live a long and satisfying life. 

However, because we live in a broken world that’s full of sin and trauma, we get wounded and hurt. We begin to stumble and fall. We become bitter and lose hope for life. 

But God has a different plan. God wants to restore your joy and bring healing to your heart. Jesus said that I have come to give you life and life to the full. However, this doesn’t happen automatically. It’s an intentional process of confession, forgiveness, and transformation through the Holy Spirit. It is a journey of knowing our identity in Christ and learning to receive directly from God. 

Research has shown that those who are discipled in healing have a much better chance of receiving and maintaining their healing. Through this powerful inner healing discipleship program, you will receive God’s healing power in your heart and in your soul. You will be restored to health and empowered to reach your potential in Christ.

This program consists of eight weeks. Each week you will hear a powerful teaching and answer forum questions. An instructor will be allocated to you and will personally respond to your forum answers. 

Classroom Structure

Each online course will be eight weeks in length. Class instructors will facilitate and encourage student discussion on course materials, including any books, video, and audio files covered by the class. Coursework will consist of a set number of hands-on activities per course. 

“The Inner Healing School Changed my Life!”

Hear from Past Students

  • Pat

    Until I took this course I had no idea of how my soul wounds from my younger life affected my current state of health. I also learned that my negative thoughts about always feeling discouraged because of how I feel physically have caused a blockage to my healing. In addition I just accepted sickness due to being a retired R.N. and Nursing school teaches the “sickness” model as opposed to true healing and wellness. Additionally, the Catholic Church never taught a thing about healing and how your past can prevent present health and healing. It’s no wonder why there is so much sickness and disease. This is such a travesty.

    I am so enriched after taking this class and I know for sure that my healing is coming. As I read in Yvon’s book, healing is not always immediate. I will be writing my own private prayer to Jesus to make me His instrument to reach out and be available to lay hands on the sick. This is what true Nursing should be rather than our current system of acceptable nursing to treat illness. My prayer is for a complete restoration of the current system so that people can finally learn that God never wanted any of us to be sick and die an early death. We are His apostles on earth and he has designated us to lay hands on the sick so they will be healed.

  • Sheryon

    I just finished your Inner Healing course and it was wonderful! I have learned so much about myself and some hurts that I have been holding. My mentor Lisa was EXCELLENT! She was non-judgmental, and offered me very practical advise! I have fallen in love with your ministry and have partnered with you.

  • Lisa H

    I am a Relationship Coach and licensed Pastor and certified in biblical counseling. I work alongside my husband with couples that are struggling in their marriage. I also work with women one on one who are struggling in their marriage and struggling with their identity. I signed up for the Inner Healing Course because I’ve experienced inner healing from other ministries and wanted to learn how to help others receive their inner healing.

    God always lets me think I’m taking a training to learn something new, which is true, but he has used each training I’ve gone through to reveal things hidden in me. I really didn’t think I had any more inner healing to deal with. I had been praying for months for God to reveal to me what’s blocking me from hearing him and receiving physical healing. I felt so blocked and wasn’t sure why.

    The course confirmed all the truths that I have been learning and teaching others. Each lesson gave me deeper insights into those truths. I love what Mina and Yvon said in week 2 that we must be intentional everyday to renew our mind. That it is not an easy process and it takes intentionality. It is so true and I began to take note of what thoughts were coming into my mind that might be the reason I was being block. I knew I had these thoughts but I wasn’t sure how to break them.

    About half way through the course I woke up one morning with the Holy Spirit downloading in my spirit why I had those thoughts and why they were blocking me. My eyes were opened to the truth as the Holy Spirit connected the dots for me on some things in my upbringing that brought it all to light. I have been set free from those lies and wrong thinking.

    I was so excited to tell my mentor and she was so encouraging. Having a spiritual mentor during this course was like having a personal coach by your side. She not only was encouraging but also Holy Spirit led as she spoke into my life and prayed powerful prayers over me.

    I would recommend this course to anyone no matter where you are in your walk with the Lord.

  • Esther Z

    I have learned so much from this course. It's been a blessing to me. I thank the Lord for leading me into doing this course. It has helped me recognized areas of my life that needed healing and restoration. I'm now quick to sense what wrong thinking pattern I'm having and to reject those thoughts. Used to be having sleepless nights and constantly feeling fatigue the next day. But now, I am having a restful quality sleep. I desired to have a relationship with Jesus now.

  • Patti O

    I’ve taken the inner healing class and was very blessed by it. Pastors Mina and Yvon share some powerful biblical insights about healing in each lesson. The one on one mentoring was helpful to have a someone to encourage and pray for me as I went through the class. I received inner healing during the class and I learned some valuable truths to continue my healing journey.

  • Karen R

    Testimony of Inner Healing

    One of the most important things that I was reminded of in this course was the need to really meditate on specific verses that speak to me in a particular situation. For example, during the course, I had a situation arise where I had to rely on scripture and the assurance of God’s presence. I was able to overcome a major fear that I have by doing this.

    In my case, Mirna had shared a verse with me and also another friend had provided me a printout with almost the same verse, both in Isaiah 41. The verse that I meditated on was v13, For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, “fear not, I will help you.”

    As I meditated on this scripture I felt the presence of God with me. Every time that I began to fear or become anxious over the situation that I had to confront, I would comfort myself by reading this verse and meditating on it, again and again.

    The peace that I experience even now as I write this is supernatural. My entire being becomes calm.

    And the night before I had to confront the situation (person), even as I was going to sleep, I just said to myself, another verse, like this one, “peace, be still” when Jesus spoke to the wind and the sea. I was actually able to fall asleep and stay asleep.

    Rather than running away from my fear of confronting this situation, I was able to go into the class (I was teaching) and know that God was with me. This was a tangible effect of allowing the word of God to permeate my being instead of allowing fear to dominate me. And, because I did this, I now have confidence that I can confront other situations in the same way.

    It seems so simple but sometimes in the moment of fear, we forget to use the word as a powerful weapon against the enemy. This is a perfect testimony of how the word of God is the “sword of the Spirit” – Ephesians 6:17.

    Thank you for the opportunity to share my gratitude for Mirna and the course!

  • Kathy P

    Thank you so much for taking the time to be my mentor for this class. I’m so thankful for the course and the impact it’s had in my life. Mina and Yvon are so gifted at taking something that seems so confusing and making it super easy to grasp. I really have felt a great burden of grief and trauma lift that I’ve been carrying for quite a while. I’m not yet perfect or 100% healed, but now as things come to the surface I have tools that I didn’t have before.

    I really appreciated you sending the Phillippians scripture. God had been putting that on my heart to mediate on and then you sent it to me and that was such a confirmation. I’m so thankful for all your insights, encouragements and prayers for myself and my family. I’ve seen a big change in Samuel since we started this course and I feel hopeful again that God will bring us through these challenges as a family.

    Thank you again, Esther. It’s so funny to be mentored by someone I’ve never met in person and yet we are sisters in the Lord. Perhaps our paths will cross again somewhere but if not we will certainly meet in eternity, lol.

  • Ruth G

    I was able to finish the inner healing course in February and I can't tell you how wonderful it is and the freedom that I have experienced because of it!

  • Susanna

    I am very grateful to have had you as a mentor. You have always satisfied my hunger with what I just needed. I have always been very grateful for that.

    At the end of this course, I am much stronger and more confident on my own feet, and I am very grateful for that. I no longer feel so lost and insecure when talking to people. We have learned a lot, it has gone very deep and the Holy Spirit has done a great work on me. I have needed your support very much. Your assurance and your support have given me much more courage. You are a wonderful and powerful woman of God.

  • Laverne

    I don't purchase much for myself, but enrolling in the Inner Healing course was the best gift I ever gave myself. And, my Inner Healing mentor was such a true blessing, by encouraging me, providing me with scriptures and prayers, providing words of wisdom, and praying for me. I'm re-reviewing my notes frequently, so that the teachings, scriptures, prayers, and words of wisdom will become part of my spiritual DNA. A dream I had (in October 2022) was confirmed by a key teaching item from week-1 (February 2023) of the Inner Healing course. After the week-3 lesson, the Holy Spirit suggested that I begin playing an 8-hour audio of biblical affirmation (my identity in Jesus Christ) while I sleep (I think because my spirit and soul don't 'sleep'). I feel like my spirit and heart have wings and that I have grown spiritual muscles. In my reflections during this Inner Healing course, and despite the harsh seasons that I'm experiencing, I have also experienced back-to-back miracles, and I felt led by the Holy Spirit that Psalm 23 belongs to me (for the 2023 year). In summary, the Inner Healing course is so eye-opening. I never learned these lessons ('revelations') by just attending church on Sundays. My natural eyes and spiritual eyes are now wide open, because the scriptures have become 'alive' to me (the words 'speak' to me). Inner healing is step-one in my journey to fulfilling my kingdom destiny. I feel excited about my new journey with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The best part of this course was the Father's Love Letter that my mentor shared with me. Thank you for creating this course. God bless you all always!

  • Jenny

    The emotional healing online training with Mina and Yvon was so rich and helpful to my faith journey at this time! The course really helped identify some strongholds in my thinking and some areas of unforgiveness I have been holding on to.

    Because of this course, I was able to make amends with a sister in Christ as well as a non-follower who had previously caused me much trauma. It felt SO good to separate myself from the hurt and pain (NOT my identity), to have my mind renewed in Christ about who I am, and from that place, be able to see others and forgive with LOVE! Very freeing for sure!


Where do I log in for my class?

You will receive confirmation of your class via email. Use the link provided in the email to set up your account. After that, you can use “Student Login” to sign in to your class.

I did not receive a confirmation email after I purchased my class.

First, please check your spam/junk folder for the email. Please add to your safe sender list in your email.

Refund/exchange policy

Due to the digital nature of this course, there are no refunds or exchanges. Please review our medical and educational disclaimers.