A Series of Shocks: Encountering the Generosity of God

Heavenly encounter (October 29, 2024):

A New Level of Authority

Before the month of November had even started, I was in prayer seeking the Lord for November. Through a heavenly encounter, I was taken into a large room with four walls, and I found myself walking around the walls, praying in the Spirit.

As I continued to walk, I looked up and was shocked because there was no ceiling. Immediately, on the east side of the room, I saw five huge fingers, and I knew without a question that they were the five fingers of God.

On the pointer finger, I saw a big ring, and the stone on the ring was pointing towards me. I knew God was imparting a new level of authority.

I immediately remembered when Jesus cast out a demon from a man, and how the crowd was shocked because they had never moved in this level of authority. And some of them blamed Jesus, saying that He had gotten His power from satan, the prince of demons. But Jesus replied by saying, "But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you" (Luke 11:20).

When I saw the finger of God, I knew that satan, the prince of demons, would not be silent, but that we as the Church of Christ would move in greater authority. There will be series of shocks, because they will see God intervene at the eleventh hour

An Eleventh-Hour Intervention

I heard the Lord say, "There will be an eleventh-hour intervention."

I was first reminded of John 11, when Mary and Martha sent a message to Jesus, letting Him know that Lazarus was sick. The Bible tells us that "although Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, He stayed where He was for the next two days" (John 11:5–6), coming to them four days after Lazarus had died.

Both Mary and Martha knew it was too late and were extremely disappointed. When Jesus arrived, Mary did not go out to meet Him, but Martha said to Him, "Lord, if only You had been here, my brother would not have died" (see John 11:21). Even though Jesus told her that her brother would rise again, she struggled in her belief.

Later at the tomb, when Jesus said, "Roll the stone aside," Martha protested, saying, "Lord, he has been dead for four days. The smell will be terrible" (see John 11:38, 39).

"Jesus responded, 'Didn't I tell you that you would see God's glory if you believe?'" (John 11:40)

At that moment, as the Lord brought this story to my mind, I heard the Holy Spirit reveal some truth to me. He said, "I will intervene in the lives of My people, especially in situations that are dead and beyond hope." (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

In the story of Lazarus, Jesus shocked them by shouting, "'Lazarus, come out!' And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth" (see John 11:43–44).

As I continued to pray about an eleventh-hour shock, I was reminded of the parable in Matthew 20 about the landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. In the parable, He found laborers, eager to work. He agreed to pay them a denarius a day. He went out again at nine o'clock, at twelve o'clock, and at three o'clock and hired more who were standing there. At about the eleventh hour (five o'clock), when the workday was almost over and there was only about an hour left, he went out again and found still others standing around. He asked them, "Why do you stand here idle all day?" Their answer was shocking: "Because no one has hired us" (see Matthew 20:6–7). In other words, "We are eager, we are expecting, and we are ready, but no one hired us." So he sent them to work.

The shock began when evening came. The vineyard owner called his manager and told him, "Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last, up to the first" (see Matthew 20:8). This sent everyone into shock. Those who came at the eleventh hour were shocked to find that not only were they to be paid first, but they were also to receive a full day's pay.

The other workers were shocked when they saw the one-hour workers receive a FULL day's wage. Thinking that surely they would get an increase, they noted that the three-hour workers did not receive more. The same happened with the six-hour workers and the nine-hour workers. When it didn't happen, their disappointment started to turn to anger. Their big shock came when they were paid and discovered that they had received what they had been promised, but no more.

Their shock led them to protest, saying, "Those people worked only one hour, and yet you've paid them just as much as you paid us who worked all day in the scorching heat" (Matthew 20:12).

But the reply of the vineyard owner brought another shock.

He simply said, "... I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what is yours and go, but I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with what is my own? Or is your eye envious because I am generous? So the last shall be first, and the first last" (Matthew 20:13–16).

As I read this, the Holy Spirit began to speak, saying, "Many will be shocked at My generosity towards you. My grace towards My people will not only be amazing but infuriating to others who are not in union with Me!

"This generosity will be received by faith. Just like Sarah who encountered My generosity in giving her a child, even though she was past child-bearing age (Hebrew 11:11)." (Photo via Pexels)

This is the month to believe that God is able to keep His promises, even if it's the eleventh hour.

November Word of the Lord

The Lord says, "The pay scale is reversed, and the natural order of this will be reversed! I am taking you from being last to being first. You will be the head and not the tail. You will no longer be forgotten but remembered, not because you worked more, but because you said 'yes.' Your 'yes' met with My generosity. You believed even when all hope was gone.

"Many watching My generosity will not like it and will shout, 'Unfair, unfair!' But My answer will remain the same: Am I not permitted to show generosity to whom I please, and to those whom I love?

"I have seen your heart and how you walked with Me, even through the darkest season when there was delay and much uncertainty.

"You watched Lazarus die, and yet you still believed that you would see My glory! You joined the heroes of faith who, against all hope, continued to believe because they knew I would never break My promises.

"This is a month of reward, a month of moving up and being rewarded for your faith. You will see Heaven open and a white horse encircling you. Remember the One riding on it is called 'Faithful' and 'True' (Revelation 19:11).

"You are about to experience My faithfulness at another level and see My truth unfold like a blanket over you. Lies over your life will break and chains will fall, for I, the King of kings, go to war on your behalf.

"This is a month where justice will be served over your enemies and your oppressors. It will be a month of historical victory, for there are many crowns over My head. I am resurrecting Lazarus. My delay was intentional. Your disappointment will be turned to joy.

"You will experience the joy of Mary, who broke the jar of expensive perfume at My feet, for she was in awe of what happened. You will encounter My generosity and be in awe, for it's going to rain very heavy—a type of rain you have not experienced before. It's the rain of divine intervention over a very dry land that has been desperate for water. It's the rain of glory and divine generosity. For the land you are transitioning into drinks its water from the rain of Heaven. Lift up your heads and receive it.

"This will be a month of answered prayers, for I have seen the many tears."


A Month of Sudden, Divine Catapulting


A Month of Reward & a Time to Be on High Alert