Celebrate Freedom Ministries
“Called to bring God’s transformative love to our generation”
Discover the transformative power of The Supernatural Love of Yeshua: Through Middle Eastern Eyes by Dr. Mina and Yvon Attia. This groundbreaking book goes beyond surface-level understanding, delving into the hidden gems of Jesus' teachings and miracles. Gain a profound understanding of Jesus' message and the supernatural love He embodied. Let this book bring Jesus to life in your mind and spirit, providing clarity and enlightenment. Don't miss out on this life-changing resource; grab a copy today for yourself and a friend. Let's journey together in the richness of the Word and allow Jesus' love to shape our lives.

We would be honored to minister at your church.
On the cruise, you invited us to stand if we needed healing. I'd been experiencing eye strain that is common as we age. I decided to stand. It was humbling to ask for something common to most of us. My neighbor and a member of the prophetic team prayed for me. I thought I could see a tiny bit better right away, but I wasn't positive. That night I picked up a book to read but couldn't find my "cheaters." I decided, I asked for healing and I'm going to receive it. I could see a little better and some words were completely clear. When I woke the next morning, i had a wonderful time with the Lord soaking in thanksgiving. When I picked up a book, I COULD SEE COMPLETELY! I am healed!
I'm in awe of what God has just done, but I had a supernatural healing and tangible deliverance after the Feast of Tabernacle and sown to your ministry. I had been sick with an unknown illness for years, and it was progressively getting worse. It caused brain fog, fatigue, and despair. It twisted my face and jaw, and the lymph nodes under my neck swelled up for no reason. A doctor couldn’t figure out what was wrong.
After the last day of the Tabernacle, I believed in a miracle because I didn't recognize myself. I cried out to Jesus when he told me in the spirit to reach out my hand, so I did. Then, a part of my neck that I didn't know was out of place popped into place, and I felt something coming up from my lungs. It was a massive amount of dark brown mucus! I instantly could breathe better, and now, two days later, I don't look hunched over and have no pain or swelling in my neck. I was so out of alignment in my neck and sternum that I didn’t know because this happened slowly over the years of emotional trauma and rejection.
I recognize myself again in the mirror, and I have missed her. I feel like the bent-over women Jesus healed by casting out the spirit of infirmity. I need to testify!!! This is the best thing I ever felt. I'm walking around with my head lifted, literally!. I know my life has been saved, and a miracle has occurred.This was clearly a spirit of infirmity and affliction. God showed me a vision of Hello Kitty, this character was significant to my childhood. It was my favorite.He was saying I'm restoring you back to who I made you as. I am looking at the world through child-like eyes again and so grateful!
(Financial Testimony)
I was laid-off before Thanksgiving and received a severance package but it did not include commission for a deal I had been working on, which just finalized (about $5000.) I asked about this and was told they would follow up with me. I did not get any answer despite following up throughout December and January. Then Yvon/Mina had a word about a "settlement" and "it will be settled in your favor". Even though this was not a court case, it was still an issue that I wanted resolved in my favor. I grabbed the "word" and went to The Lord - I also reminded Him about my tithes and offerings. This was something that He would need to do as it would come from Him. At the end of January I decided to send an email to the President and the CEO of the company and put forth my case. A week passed with no reply and I was going to follow up again when I received an email that I will be getting a final payment of $6500! The Lord's justice is great - He does exceedingly and abundantly!!
Shannon (Heavenly Realms Class)
Thank you for hosting the class! The instruction was phenomenal and very eye-opening. I learned so much and your guidance and teaching really helped open my eyes to what the Lord is showing me. The next morning, while I spoke in tongues, the Lord revealed to me that I am ALREADY in His presence when speaking in tongues and I just need to open my spiritual eyes - no need to feel an ascension - I am already there with Him in the Spirit. Then the Holy Spirit revealed the flashes or glimpses I saw were in fact, in the 3rd heaven! It was a monumental breakthrough for me! God bless you and thank you for sharing this wonderful gift with the body of Christ!
Thank you for all you do. Your discipleship classes have been such a heavnly gift and I look forward to Wednesdays more than any other day of the week because of them!
As I listened to your message released on the 1st of December, 2023, I could hear the Spirit of The Word being released and I knew it was a word for me. On that day, I was about to make a very huge decision that would not only affect myself but my family and our future. For exactly three weeks I had been seeking The Lord about a prospective employment opportunity. I had not heard anything from Him and no clarity as to what to do next, but I had a knowing deep down in my spirit that it wasn’t what He wanted for me. For weeks I kept asking Him, ‘Where are You Lord? Where is my breakthrough?’ and awaited confirmation but heard nothing. I stayed in faith and kept believing that He would either come through or provide a word for me in season.
It was from your prophetic word Yvon that I received a breakthrough and God has been revealing more and more to us since being connected to your ministry. We have had numerous experiences in the supernatural and witnessed amazing miracles, signs and wonders after hearing you both preach. Your messages and the dreams you described having were similar to the dreams that my husband and I had been experiencing, especially about the forest and the hammer.
Your message also gave me confirmation to make the right decision and prevented me from going in the opposite direction to where God was calling me to go – thank you for your obedience. That morning I had declined the proposition made and immediately after (and I mean immediately!), finances were released into our bank accounts from seed we had sown earlier in the year.
Nathan (Reavealing the Healer Book)
I have been teaching a Healing Class at my church now for a couple of years, having studied it for almost 40 years. Your book is marvelous and has answered so many questions I have had about the meaning of some scriptures. From a western mind set some of them make no sense whatsoever. From an Eastern mindset they make perfect sense. Your book is like a beacon shining on the word. Thank you.
Elizabeth - Heavenly Realms Class
As soon as the portion of the class started where we were going to have an encounter, I saw myself in front of Jesus directly. Jesus cupped my face in His hands - and we locked eyes. He put a gold crown on my head that had multi-color jewels in it, yet it was much smaller and more dainty than His. The gold was shiny. He then put a white thick scarf-like thing around my shoulder/neck area - and then a deep purple warp around my body. He lifted it over my head and then put it on me from behind me while He was still in front of me and He never stopped looking into my eyes.
Almost at the same time as the vision I just wrote, I was also in an open field with Jesus. We were both in white robes. Jesus was twirling me around and lifting me up in the air to His eye level. We had our eyes locked in together and we were both laughing. That gold, soft inviting light was all over us. I felt such joy and peace, just to be in His arms. Nothing else mattered or existed.
Carla - Online Discipleship Class Healing
I loved last week's class about walking in healing. It is a topic that is really near and dear to my heart and it has been a huge desire of my heart to walk more fully in the healing Christ already provided. When I was a child I fell on my head onto concrete and ever since I have had neck issues. My neck and shoulder had been giving me terrible pain for the last couple of months. The other issue I had been experiencing were allergies, particularly to a product I bought recently that I was not previously allergic to but this time gave me a horrible painful reaction out of the blue. So I concentrated this week on receiving my healing over these 2 things that Christ has already provided to me. I concentrated on the verse that says that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is in us and quickening our mortal bodies, even as rivers of living water to us who believe in Jesus and what He already did for us. Yesterday I noticed it had been a few days that my neck and shoulder had not been hurting anymore! As for the allergies, as I was praying in the spirit over that I felt like God told me to *just* receive my healing and as an act of faith put on the product and see that I was healed of that allergy. I just felt that really strongly from God so I went ahead and in faith put on the product and guess what? All week I have been using it I have not had one allergic reaction! I believe I heard from God and I truly am healed. Previously I had immediately had a severe allergic reaction after using this product and this time nothing. I am healed of that allergy. The third thing was that I wanted to thank Yvon about sharing about the skin condition God healed her of. I have a skin condition on the right side of my face. I had previously been praying and saw great healing like the skin issue stopped spreading and actually began to regenerate, but over time I lost my steam about praying and believing for it and in the last few months I actually saw it spreading a little bit more again. As I was listening to Yvon's testimony of healing of her skin issue I felt GOd telling me to keep pressing on believing Him until I saw my own skin issue be fully healed beyond what I have seen until now! Thank you for your faithfulness and for teaching this discipleship class I know it is helping so many!
I have been taking part in your discipleship class for a few months. My first night, Mina had a prophetic word for me, much to my surprise. It had to do with heritage/legacy/royalty and something with singing/song. I did not record it :) I remember it resonating in many ways, but I wasn't sure about the heritage part--that may still flesh out over time, but I do think God was stressing my DNA in Him. He is the Source of our DNA and can heal it and our family lines; so cool when I think about it. Anyway--I have given myself permission to pray into my family lines (past, present, & future)-breaking curses and placing blessing upon future generations. It's actually pretty fun to do and think about and how that can change things in my family (which I am seeing evidence of). My husband and I are seeing the future differently and with more joy and hope. Thank you, Mina! On this past Wednesday, during the final prayer time, I actually did not feel too needy for healing prayer, although I am totally open to having improved eyesight/new eyes! But interestingly, while you were praying over the heart (I did have a treatment for a mild condition 20+ years ago and was "cured", and I still felt a trigger that would've in the past led to super-ventricular tachycardia), which mine was "fine" during that evening, I experienced a release of heaviness and pressure from my heart that I hadn't even realized was there! I am confident I will not feel that trigger in my heart again! (if I do, I'll remind the heart it's fully well!)
Thank you for teaching and sharing ascension, for All believers. I’m still enveloped in the Fathers Love, I encountered yesterday during our class. For Such a time as this! I experienced the breakthrough I was seeking. I know the Lord has been calling me up, and has taken me once prior and many encounters. This is Now a Whole New Level, I’m excited to make a way of Life!!
I attended your session on 11/6/23 to enter into the heavenly realm. I gave testimony that Jesus took me to see His Father on the throne and I saw his train fluttering in the wind, full of light. Anyway .. I wanted to share that the very next morning as I always do I prayed in tongues and invited Holy Spirit to lead me to scripture and with my eyes closed He lead me to Isaiah 6:1-6 about Isaiah seeing God on His throne and His train!!! Confirming to me that I did go there. It was real. Hallelujah!Description goes here
Glory to God,. I received healing for my body when Pastor Mina prayed during the weekly discipleship meeting of November 8th 2023. As he finished praying I felt something was lifted of me. I felt peace and could no longer felt the pains I had in my upper and lower back before the meeting. I believe I will see the manifestation of my complete healing for other bodily symptoms I have suffered from since 2020. I was also healed insomnia , having claimed the word of knowledge offer by Pastor Yvon as slept better that night . Glory to God .
Hi Pastors Yvon & Mina, Thank you for doing the Heavenly Realms class. I perceive this class to help me get through some strongholds. I saw myself in a garden and it was brimming with such life! It was so beautiful to see and I went head first to smell the flowers and the grass and I embraced it all with all of my being. Then I noticed my body started to float like I was a feather and I felt a strong pull straight up into the sky. This was a brand new experience for me. I remembered that I was not to go into fear and I chose to observe. I did just that and I trusted my Daddy God was in and for me. I then went into a very deep sleep. I had a series of short dreams of spiritual dangers I needed to pay attention to now. I woke up like I had been submerged in water. I woke up in such shock and realized I was somewhere heavenly. While you both were teaching at the beginning I saw the phrase that Jesus was begotten of the Father. Then I saw the sentence leap out at me. I felt it was for me to believe that I too am begotten of the Father like Jesus. I am in the middle of a situation that I don't understand how I ended up here and it isn't good. But I believe the key to my victory is to believe that my lineage is not from my physical Dad but from our heavenly Daddy God. I believe this class and encounter with the heavenly realms will help usher in for me the victory that the Lord has prepared for me. Please pray for me to walk His prepared path for His Glory. Thank you so much!
The emotional healing online training with Mina and Yvon was so rich and helpful to my faith journey at this time! Just in the past year or so, have I become aware -- by the Lord's direction and Holy Spirit's guidance -- of the authority we believers have been given in Christ Jesus; what my true identity is IN HIM; how to function in the natural world we live in as true followers empowered by The Holy Spirit. This course definitely helped underscore that for me, in a way that was both simple - walking us through the concepts, and with such love and care from Mina and Yvon. The course really helped identify some strongholds in my thinking and some areas of unforgiveness I have been holding on to. Because of this course, I was able to make amends with a sister in Christ as well as a non-follower who had previously caused me much trauma. It felt SO good to separate myself from the hurt and pain (NOT my identity), to have my mind renewed in Christ about who I am, and from that place, be able to see others and forgive with LOVE! Very freeing for sure! Having your weekly guidance, feedback, support, and prayers made this course more personal and absolutely more meaningful. Thank you again, Mirna! Very thankful for Mina and Yvon -- they are a blessing to many and have certainly blessed my life forever with the teaching and empowerment in this course ~ In Him
I wanted to thank you for your ministry. It has really helped me grow and be strengthened immensely during a very hard and dry wilderness season of physical sickness and lot of testing. I have been journaling and setting a time to hear from God more than ever before and your discipleship and teachings have really helped me be able to hear and recognize and understand the heart of God better. As I was journaling a couple of months ago I felt like I kept hearing God say that He loves strawberry ice cream. I thought it was just me, like why would God be telling me that but every day that would come to my mind that He loved strawberry ice cream. MY favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry, so I thought maybe it was just my own thought, but It was a very insistent thought or feeling and I wasn't sure what to make of it so I wrote it down and told a friend about it and put it aside. But the feeling that He was telling me that would not go away and I kept asking God is it you telling me this and if you are why? Well one day during discipleship I got my answer so clear and precise as Mina was giving a word to a lady at the end and he said to her something like he didnt know why he was telling her this, but that God loved her so much that he even loved her favorite type of ice cream that it brought her delight and that because of that it brought Him delight. I teared up when I heard Mina say that because the season has been so hard that just hearing that and getting my answer so clearly and specifically from Mina even if through a word for someone else was such a balm to my Spirit and I teared up but it made me smile to know He would be trying to tell me that.
Fast-forward to January 2023 and I am doing an 8 day fast for breakthrough for the Medicare certification (that we were supposed to get over 6 months earlier but it was just not coming!) During the fast, Yvon and Mina preached their January message and through it, the Lord reminded me that I never did sow that first seed from 2021. So out of obedience, I promised the Lord I will sow it within that week once I pray about where to sow it (appx $920). The very next day after I made that promise, I had called 2 places where I had outstanding medical bills that needed to be paid. Both places, totally unrelated, had very old accounts that I had to settle, and one of the medical offices totally cancelled my bill (over $600), no explanation other than I am no longer required to pay it. The second place I called that morning, I had appx $600 bill and they reduced it to $250 to be paid over time, no interest. So that very next day, I saved MORE money ($950) than was the amount of the seed that I promised to sow that week.($920). Then, several days after I completed my fast, we received our very long awaited Medicare certification letter, advising us we were fully approved, praise the Lord, hallelujah! By the way, Yvon was also telling their story during the January message about their medical approval for a prior business they were in so I felt the Lord was speaking directly to me with confirmation that our medical certification was coming. Well, it finally came and we could not be more grateful!
I just wanted to tell you, my family, that our God is ever so faithful and what He promised, He will bring to pass. I pray you all remain faithful to Him and His Word and when Yvon and Mina have a prophetic word for you, take it, bury it in your heart/spirit until it takes root and flourishes in your life.
You gave a word last November called a “November to Remember”, and I wanted you to know that it really was in a huge way. We struggled financially for 21 years of marriage, and this past fall was no different where commissions were always sporadic , with small breakthroughs at times, but it seemed like we never got ahead for long. At the end of October, we had zero dollars in our business account and nothing in our personal account either. We were in debt as well, owing a significant amount of money to another company that we had to pay monthly, and we had nothing to pay the mortgage for November.
You then prophesied that it would be a “November to Remember”! I can tell you that exactly on November 1st my husband received a record commission check in his hand for $207,000.00 gross, and became among the top 20 in sales for his company that last quarter. Our lives suddenly changed, as it was a freedom I never experienced before. All debt was paid off and lack was broken over our lives, and I give all glory to God for allowing my faith to grasp that prophetic word.
So profound was your speech that I couldn't stop weeping, the sensation of the love from our father God to all of us goes beyond comprehension, beyond common sense and more importantly to me the true meaning of the cross. Earlier today I was saying I didn't understand the meaning of today and then Yvon explained it in such a manner that I got stabbed with words of love and I can't express enough how much I thank you for all the supernatural explanations. Like Mina said that this was the seal that indicated the beginning of the end for the sin of this entire world. This is also special to me because today is Good Friday and I start a new beginning with my work as I got hired back to the company I was with. I was struggling because of the economy sinking further and further and everything came true today on Good Friday and I didn't realize that until I heard Yvon and started weeping, full of joy and a heart full of immense gratitude because this also gets me closer to our father God through Jesus. I love you both and just when I think Yvon is not going to make me cry, oh lord, she proves me wrong every time. I know that because of you I will get healed from my right leg, it is swollen, bad circulation, had it since I was born it's a vascular problem but none of that matters because through the teachings that I get from both of you the truth will be revealed until my body finally surrenders and let our God take over and manifest what is already been done in the name of Yeshua.
I want to sow $323 to align w/the word for 3/23/23! I also want to Testify that I listened to your 3/23/23 in the afternoon of March 24th. I could FEEL the Overflowing Joy & decided in my heart that when I do my Tithes this weekend, I would sow $323 into your ministry. A few hours later, my manager told me what my annual increase would be. The basic is 2% increase. She and my previous mgr agreed to give me a 7.92% increase for my work over the past year! GLORY to GOD MOST HIGH!
Just want to encourage you about the word from the Lord you communicated in September 2022 about the Lord restoring what has been taken. I don't remember the exact words, but want you to know that near the end of September after I listened to your video, the Lord did an amazing thing for my husband and I. Eleven years prior my husband, Jim, joined a law suit against an international fraud ring that had largely targeted Christians. Unfortunately we unwisely had invested a lot of money into this scheme. After 11 years went buy, this past September we received a $45,000 refund (the majority of our investment) from the U.S. Department of Justice who had conducted the investigation! PRAISE THE LORD!!! Thank you for communicating His word.
“In one of our recent discipleship calls Pastor Mina said that there is an issue of unforgiveness. I felt a check in my spirit that it was me. I argued and said no, I spent so many years forgiving my Dad that it is impossible that it could be me. The next morning, I watched a show about how important it is to forgive. I got on my knees and I repented. I was lost and confused because I thought I had forgiven. Yesterday, a friend of mine from church who is like a father figure to me, sent me an email he said he was led to give me Jer. 33:3. I read it and I was touched because I had just sent my first fruits offering and I prayed for me to be closer to God and for Him to heal my heart and soul from my past. Soon after reading Jer. 33:3, I started to cry and I couldn't stop. I had to take the rest of the day off from work because I couldn't stop crying. Afterward, I sat on my couch exhausted and praying for the Lord to heal me and help me. I realized that I had released so much grief and pain from my childhood. Then I saw a Christian show on the importance of forgiveness. I believe I had let go of the desire to prove to my Dad that I was a good daughter. I let go of everything. The Lord had done work in me and I am most grateful. Today, I feel like I was emptied of a lot of heavy and ugly clutter. I feel like a brand new person. I feel like I have hope again and I learned that hope means to stretch in Hebrew, I have a lot of stretching to do. I am so glad I caught your teaching about the first fruits offering. Praise the Lord!! I am looking forward to 2023 with much hope and expectation. God bless and thank you again!”
I am always looking forward to Yvon and Mina's teaching in YouTube, Elijah streams (old and new), and the discipleship class. It builds me up.
Ruth G.
Thank you for last night's discipleship class. What an immense blessing!!While you were teaching I felt the tangible Presence of God in and around me. Then at the end Yvon, you prayed over us to be healed of a broken heart and for us to receive fresh oil. When I heard you say fresh oil, I felt a deep powerful surge of energy go through my body. I felt and experienced Ps. 92:10!! Before I was having serious back pain and I had already had back surgery. Now the pain is gone. I feel physically and emotionally strong!!! Praise the Lord!!
Maria M.
I'm so grateful for this course and will continue seeking inner healing and praising God for the freedom this course has given me! Having a mentor was so helpful because it kept me accountable and your feedback was always encouraging and led me back to scripture! I also completing the Physical Healing course at the same time as this one (LOVED IT )
I love Yvon’s love and zeal for God. I think it comes when you have true faith for God’s truth and who he is.
Hearing her Middle Eastern perspective is eye opening.
I want what she has..The Glory of God is upon her life I can feel Holy Spirit so strongly as she speaks
I have been hungry for God to fill me with the fire spirit tongue and fire Holy Ghost and to take me in a vision or dream, I just hunger to know Him and to love Him more and to be in His presents but nothing yet. Loved watching Yvon and long for God to work in and through me as He has Yvon.
I recently sent a prayer request to your ministry and sowed a seed in obedience, as spoken by Mina and Yvon - regarding 9/9/22 and the powerful meaning behind this. My personal prayer request was for the sale of our family house, as I have been feeling for so long that we need to move to something with more land, more suitable for our family. We had spent the past 6 weeks diligently preparing it for sale, countless hours to get it 1000% ready and beautiful, lots of sacrificed time and effort and money. Mina prophesied that within 9 days, something will happen. I stood believing. I had petitioned the Lord for the house to sell at/above asking price, cash deal, no inspection or contingencies and 2 week closing. We put the house on the market on 9/13 and less than 24 hours later, we went into contract! The buyer bought it OVER THE PHONE, she wasn't even there, only her agent. As we prayed, it was a cash deal, above asking price, no contingencies or inspections and close as soon as possible as soon as the money was converted so like 2-3 weeks. In addition, she let us stay at the house for four months, no charge, so we can take our time in finding a new house. Look at what the LORD did for us!!! This is so unbelievable! I am partnering with your ministry monthly as I believe in what you are doing for the Kingdom of the Most High and I want the gospel to also be spread to the Arab nations!
I’ve taken the inner healing class and was very blessed by it. Pastors Mina and Yvon share some powerful biblical insights about healing in each lesson. The one on one mentoring was helpful to have a someone to encourage and pray for me as I went through the class. I received inner healing during the class and I learned some valuable truths to continue my healing journey.
I was listening to you in the car while I waited for my husband from heart therapy, he had 3 bypass surgeries 3 to 4 weeks ago. I was exhausted taking care of him and doing the other stuff. I was so tired, my head hurt from cramps and my tailbone from a cramp from a fall years ago. I couldn't get comfortable.I closed my eyes while listening to you and saying to my Lord about no fear, pain, etc. Before I knew it, I noticed the cramp in my head was gone and the cramp on my left side tailbone was gone. My weakness had left too. I was alert. I even told my husband later what happened. Glory to God!
Sylvia Johnson
Yvon is a shining light for Jesus Christ! I am shaking under the power of the Holy Spirit as she has spoken life, truth and hope to my hungry soul. Yvon just changed my life with her testimony! I attend church, but I feel alone in my quest for more of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in my life. I’m so hungry for him, his presence, and his power to come alive in me. My fervency has been quickened and the fire inside is burning bright! Praise Jesus my beautiful savior, and thank you, Yvon for your transparency in sharing the wonder and truth of surrender!
My husband got the favor from his work "the company pay them extra cash bonus "the amount is a double amount of my husband salary", and same "double amount" for extra cash bonus for the last week of October" for the selected employees only. And this is our breakthrough favor from God (The double amount cash bonus + Fixed Salary). I just remember this prophetic words released that you've said in your live the heaven's rain, breakthrough anointing, "pay cheque" and favor and miracles. Pastor Mina and Pastor Yvon thank you for all your prayers and please keep us always on your daily prayers.
“I listen to your teachings live, and my faith has been strengthened. Since 2007, my life has been a series of hardships. My husband betrayed us and left, and my youngest son turned to drugs. Tragically, my son passed away, leaving behind his daughter. I suffered a serious accident and faced a year of recovery. Since 2019, I've been in court fighting for my granddaughter's safety against unjust rulings. After listening to your Urgent Prophetic word on March 7th, I returned to court on April 22nd to find the unjust judge had been removed. A new judge recognized the previous orders as unconstitutional and moved our case to Family Court. Listening to your prophetic words kept me hopeful. On July 24th, I received news that strengthened my case for my granddaughter. I am believing God for victory and the adoption of my granddaughter. Your ministry has been a tremendous blessing, and I thank God for your faithfulness.”
Featured on
Sid Roth’s
It’s Supernatural!
Celebrate Freedom Ministries
teaches, equips and trains the body of Christ to walk in the supernatural power of God, and experience signs, wonders and miracles.
At Celebrate Freedom, we believe in the all-inclusive supernatural gospel of the kingdom. This includes salvation from sin, healing from disease, freedom from demons, and living in victory.
We believe that the supernatural power and authority of God are available for today’s believers, just as they were during ancient biblical times for healing miracles and deliverances.
Our Vision
1. Discover
To reach the lost for Christ and to equip every member of the church to also reach the lost.
Our evangelism is supernatural, since we both preach the word of God, as well as testify and manifest the power of God through miracles, healings, deliverance, and the prophetic word.
2. Develop
This process has three steps.
1) Confirm and strengthen the decision made by the new believers through teaching them the basic foundations of the Christian faith.
2) Attend inner healing and deliverance retreats to build them up.
3) Join a discipleship group to bring real transformation to people’s heart and minds through the ministry of inner healing and deliverance.
3. Disciple
The objective of this step is to teach, train, equip, activate, and provide pastoral care to disciples.
To first purpose of this process is to help them grow and mature as disciples of Christ.
The second purpose is to equip them for ministry through teaching and equipping them to operate in the Supernatural power of God and see others get saved, healed and delivered.
4. Deploy
In this part of the vision, leaders are sent—within the local church and with the DNA of the House—to open their own cell group or as mentors to start a discipleship group, they are already fulfilling the fourth stage of the vision because they are equipped with the power and gifts needed to extend the Kingdom of God and develop each area entrusted to them. Also, as they grow spiritually, they can be promoted and sent as deacons, elders, or ministers according to God’s calling for their lives.